08-24-2018 12:30 AM
Hi All,
I would like to ask for a help with following issue. My task is to create VI analyzer test, which will check for all instances of "Search and Replace String" function, then it will check what value is at "Replace All?" terminal and if there is no value wired (which means there is default FALSE) or wired FALSE value, test will not pass. The VI I prepared as solution works well, if used as standalone VI. However, once I use it inside of analyzer test, issue appears. Property node: Wire value no longer outputs correctly TRUE of FALSE variant, instead it sends just blank variant. Is there any problem with given property node when used inside of VI Analyzer?
08-24-2018 12:42 AM
I am unable to look at your code at the moment.
I can wave /\/\/\ AND see if Darren_N has a search for his name
On an RSS feed. Or any other VIA Enthusiasts.
Have you seen the VIA Enthusiasts group?
Kudos for links y'all.. drat phone only posting..... I need a SS hard drive!