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Pulse generation PCI-6220

Hi Christian,

thanks for taking the time.
Well as sad as it is, your example does not run and I can´t find the solution. The same d1802 error occurs, also if i run the latest by itself.
I tried your code on another computer with another board (the same 6220 though) also and it returns the same error. Both are running under Labview 8.2., could that be the reason?
Although I changed the input data to loads of different values, what input data for the sample rate and pulse lengths are you using in your case that seems to work properly?
Any further idea how to circumvent the error?


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21

Hey, attached you will find V1.1 of the example, writen in 8.2 with some changes.

Also check that the Sub VI node Setup (right klick in BD) of the ConfigPulse VI is set as follows:

SubVI node setup


BR, Christian

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 21
Hi Christian,

an absolute beauty!!! Thanks so much for the latest example, it´s almost perfect. Well, it works perfect for a single channel.

A final question remains. As a next step I´d like to add various other pulse sequences on separate lines. However, I don´t seem to properly convert the arrays for the ''. In the lower part of the vi I combined two arrays, which should then serve as data for the (setting back to 1channel and using only one array works great). The channel table looks to me exactly what I need as this loads both channels at the same time thus avoiding synchronisation problems, but I can´t fix the error. I tried all possibilities I could think of, not enough obviously, do you have a further pointer how to connect the two arrays in order to get two different pulse sequences at two different lines using this example?

Once again, thanks for the help, very much appreciated.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 21
Hi there,

I tried to get two lines working synchronously the last three days, but horribly failed to do this successfully.
Any ideas are much appreciated...

Thanks a lot!!

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 21
I assume it´s impossible then to go for two or more lines with this example?

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21

It's certainly possible to generate 2 or more lines, but it may not be simple, and the 1-line example may not readily extend to multiple channels.  (Don't have LV nearby to look at code now.) 

I have not personally used the digital waveform datatype and vi's beyond some brief experimentation.  When I needed to interleave multiple channels of digital transition timing info, I hoped the digital waveform vi's would have some neat capabilities under the hood to make it easy.  I didn't find any.  Instead I figured out how to do it from raw arrays of digital states.  It isn't too hard to get nearly right, but is kinda tricky to get exactly right for all circumstances.  Sorry, all I can share is advice:  be sure to test the behavior thoroughly with various special cases.  For example:

1. Signal 1 has 1 or more transitions before signal 2's first transition.   And vice versa.

2. Signal 1 has 1 or more transitions after signal 2's last transition.  And vice versa.

3. Signals 1 and 2 have their first transition at the same instant.  Then try coincident last transitions.  Then try coincident intermediate transitions.

4. Signals 1 and 2 have many or all transitions at the same instant.

5. There are probably some others that aren't coming immediately to mind.  Also, try different combinations of the scenarios above.

-Kevin P.

ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy came to an end (finally!). Unfortunately, pricing favors the captured and committed over new adopters -- so tread carefully.
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 21
Hi Kevin,

thanks for your advices. I´ll bear them in mind for sure.

The problem I´ve to face now, is however another one. And I´m about to jump out of the window (literally spoken 😉 ) as this 2 line problem turns me crazy.
The 'DigitalWrite' doesn´t accept any of my attempts to input some data that contains sequences for two or more lines. I tried constants, waveforms as data input but nothing works.
I´ve the feeling that the solution is close, but that may be wrong so I´d be happy if someone could say either 'No, not that way better try this!' or 'Yes, simply add this and convert...'.
Of course, I´d prefer the the second option, if it´s possible somehow. Help... 😉

Thanks and best regards,
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 21
Hi all,

Since the previous example just worked for a single line, I´ve been working on a slightly different vi (attached example), which gives me a multi channel output. *Finally, yeah!!*
The problem is, that when I want to stop the pulse generation after a certain time (x finite samples in the 'WriteDAQmx'), the vi stops indeed but also returns the error 200288. Apparently it writes more samples than it should. How can I circumvent this error?
For the continuous case I get a warning (warning #200015). Any idea how to avoid this warning?

Thanks in advance,
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 21
Hi Christian, Kevin and others,

thanks for the help. Finally, I succeeded to create a properly working code.
For those interested pls see attached.

Once again, thanks for the help. Much appreciated!!!
Keep up the good work in the forum... 😉

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 21

I have the following Voltage v/s time plot and need an ability to modify the voltage range from 3 V to 7 V.

Can I use the example for this. Also, when I talked to NI support engineers, they suggested me to go for analog output, since digital output is fixed at a specified High level.



_____                                         +V

|        |________             ______   0V

                       |_______|              -V



T_ON and T_OFF: 10ms to 50 ms in increment of 5 ms

V: 3V to 7 V in increments of 0.5 V


I am planning to use NI 6216 for this application.

Suggestions are requested.





0 Kudos
Message 20 of 21