07-31-2006 10:40 AM
08-02-2006 08:37 AM
09-18-2006 03:21 AM
09-19-2006 02:51 PM
09-20-2006 10:51 AM
thank you for your reply.
I am LabView beginner and try to measure the frequency response of actuator with LabView 7.1 and Agilent 35670A signal analyzer.
When I test one sample, it works OK, but when I measure next sample(new one) again, I get the following error message.
Error 1073807339 occurred at VISA wait on Event in Wait for RQS.vi
It happens almost same with havenoidea's. LabView wait and wait ("Wait on RQS.vi is not response at all") even if the signal analyzer finished the measurement, then I get the error message. ( but I get the result from the signal anayzer). In this case the sweep frequency of the signal analyzer (from 2Hz up to 50KHz) changes very slowly.
I use Window XP and NI-488.2 ver.1.70 in my PC.
I attached the related VI for your reference.
Thank you