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RS-232 connection using pins separately

I am trying to use the RS-232 connection to receive input voltages from a circuit.  I am not trying to read the byte type data.  Each pin is to be connected to a device within the circuit that will give a voltage within the range of the RS-232, 3 to 15V.  2 of the pins will have a range of voltage values, analog sensors.  2-3 more pins will be digital sensors and 1 more pin will be the power on signal to LavVIEW.   I need LabVIEW to read in these signals over a RS-232 connection port and cable and set a sampling rate for the 2 analog signal voltage pins.   My thought on this was to have a VI that directly interfaced the port inputs instead of interfacing using the computer  like the RS-232 example VIs that come with LabVIEW.  But as I am a beginner I come asking for the advice of those with more experience.

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My suggestion? Get a real data acquisition interface. There are plenty of cheap USB devices out there. The RS-232 port was not designed to be a poor man's digital I/O. Besides, you cannot read a specific analog voltage off of the RS-232. You should read the RS-232 spec:

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