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RTSI cable configuration with PCIe 1433 card

Hi All:


I tried to trigger my line camera with RTSI signal.


The layout is: trigerr signal  is generated from one PCI card 6259 (Dev2/ctr0). The line camera is connected with one PCIe 1433 card, and the two cards were connected with RTSI cable.


The problem is that how to register or configure PCIe 1433 with RTSI cable in MAX, it seems I can only configure PCI card within RTSI cable ......


If it is true, how should I do to rout the trigger signal to the camera, such as "route Dev2/ctr0 to Trigger line 0"?


Below is printscreen of MAX Configuration. Attached is my VI.


camera configuration.jpg


thanks a lot.



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Message 1 of 3

I think the following link does a good job of explaining your situation:


Let me know if I can be of any futher help.


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Message 2 of 3

Thanks a lot, the post helped.


But I am still confused with the details:


To camera and PCIe 1433 configruaration, as the attached pictures shows: RTSI is configurerd as Camera Control Line as number "2"; the exposure control of camera is defined as "triggered".


In previous attached VI, you may find that the IMAQ configurer trigger is applied to define trigger  type as "RTSI", trigger number as "2".


About ttrigger signal from PCI 6259 (Dev2), digital pulse is generated and output terminal is defined as ctr0 ( seems only ctr0 or ctr1 is option).


So I still do not know how to route signal from "Dev2/ctr0" to "Imag0 CCL 2" in labview.


By the way, I read  the online example "LL Triggered Ring using DAQmx Pulse Train",  Within this VI,  the DAQmx Connect Terminals VI is applied to route the counter's output to a RTSI pin so the signal can be used by the IMAQ device. However Dev2/ctro is not recognized as scour terminal, only other items such as PFI, APFI or RTSI are avaible, and output signal source is also limited with similar things, sounds like just internal connectrion with Dev2.


thanks a lot.


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Message 3 of 3