05-17-2013 07:03 AM
so, you want to do "leak detection"
does this mean your final result is a dual classification like
case1 ="there is a leak detected"
case2 = "there is no leak detected"
A PCA would help you "to show" the difference between case1 and case2, but the difference itself is within the data!
05-23-2013 01:44 AM
ya.that's what am really supposed to do.but am in a dilemma.i have the leak signal.i obtained its parameters(16 of them like mean,variance etc)under 10 differnt conditions..now upon doing PCA what would it really do?
05-23-2013 04:43 AM
Ok, you have achieved quite a lot:
- you acquire data from sensors,
- you normalize the data,
- you extract certain features (mean, variance, etc.),
- you know how to do a PCA and you know what a PC is.
But did I get this right, you did just take the leak signals into consideration?
Have you already checked if there is a difference in the feature vector space between non-leak and leak signals?
If not, you maybe have to extract different features from your (normalized) data.
Regarding your .xls files:
Does a row represent a feature like row 1 = mean, row 2 = variance, .... ?
or does each row represent one measurement?
If each row represents one measurement, which one belongs to class leak signal and which one belongs to class non-leak signal?
06-22-2013 08:21 AM
maybe you've already found a solution for your task, but just in case not, here's a toolkit which only requires Labview Standard functions to do PCA and KernelPCA:
Dimension reduction refers to the process of reducing the number of dimension of the data. The projection of the data set in the reduced space is often desired to preserve certain important data characteristics. In some cases, data analysis, such as clustering, can be done more easily and accurately in the reduced space than in the original space. One prime application of dimension reduction is face recognition, where face images represented by a large number of pixels are projected to a more manageable low-dimensional feature space before classification.
List of functions: