07-16-2013 06:50 AM
Hi everyone,
I am new to LabVIEW and have just started to learn it. I have gone through NI's introduction course, but I am not confident in my abilities yet, and obviously there are still a lot of techniques I probably have to learn. Anyone know of a good site to learn Labview? I feel like in order to actually be able to say that I know labVIEW i need more training and could really use some help if anyone knows of a good site, or even if someone was willing to give me some pointers, I really need practice.
07-16-2013 07:47 AM
LabVIEW offers hundreds & thousands of inbuilt functions, so while taking a route to learn LabVIEW try to explore these...
You can start with exploring what functions are available under 'Programming' section of Function Palette (that itself his a huge list), try to explore what different sub-palette inside 'Programming' palette are all about...
And parallely you should also learn the common design patterns & architectures. The best part is, on ni.com itself, there is huge resource/knowledgebase is available.
Few links you wanna check (for verious design patterns) are:
1. Application Design Patterns
2. LabVIEW Application Design Patterns (presentation slides)
3. Using LabVIEW to Create Multithreaded DAQ Applications
4. LabVIEW Queued State Machine Architecture
07-16-2013 07:51 AM
If your company has a current SSP (Software Service Plan), you can take some NI courses online for free.
07-16-2013 08:22 AM
You should have a good reference book at you desk. It's getting a little dated but the basics are still sound.
07-16-2013 08:37 AM
The best way for most people to learn is to do. Just google "programming practicing problems." Try those and post the problems and your solutions and you should get feedback. Some of the problems you will find will not be very applicable to LabVIEW (printing linked lists, etc) but take some easy ones and try implementing those. If you don't have actual programs to write yet for the "real world," take every day devices and say to yourself "could I write something that does that?" then go do it. I see these things every day; virtually everything has software in it now. Cash registers, gates that open at my apartment complex and don't close when a car is on their sensor (use a button to simulate this), etc. Try the practice CLD exams and so on. You will improve in no time.
07-16-2013 08:58 AM
On a related note, I always thought that Project Euler was a fantastic way for someone with some free time to learn to use a language efficiently with some mathematics.
07-16-2013 10:06 AM
@thoult wrote:
On a related note, I always thought that Project Euler was a fantastic way for someone with some free time to learn to use a language efficiently with some mathematics.
AH! I was trying to remember that site and couldn't. It was driving me nuts
08-12-2013 02:44 PM
I was about to say that most programming courses uses some problems to have you think and build solutions. That Euler link is awesome! Any and all little problems you could wish for. 🙂
There seems to be ~500 problems, so the 1st assignment to OP is to make a VI that randomize which problem he'll start with! 😄
08-12-2013 03:28 PM
Effective LabVIEW Programming just hit the bookshelves and appears to cover the basics in detail. Some of the examples could use a tweek or two but the margins are wide enough for notes.
08-12-2013 05:02 PM
It's refreshing to see someone who wants to learn the correct way and not just enough to hack together some spaghetti code that works... sort of.