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Reading a caption without property nodes

Is there a way to read a caption without using property nodes?


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Message 1 of 4



What is wrong with using a property node, that's why they exist.

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Message 2 of 4

I have code that works on windows that uses property nodes to read a caption. So it doesn't work on real time and I don't want to rewrite it.

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Message 3 of 4

Well you will have to.  Real-time code doesn't really have a front panel when it is running.  


There are also other conserns when going to Real-Time that you don't think about when writing programs on Windows.  Taking a project and putting it on Real-Time should prompt some kind of re-write anyway to ensure that proper memory management is taking place, and priotiry loops, and single cycle timed loops are used when they should be.  Take this as an oportunity to optomize your code for Real-Time.

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