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Reading serial nmea0183 protocol in labview


I am trying to read serial data that uses nmea0183 protocol from a JPI EDM 800. The connector has only 2 wires I believe one is signal and the other ground. Can you please help me to be able to read the data. I have a 9014 cRIO and a NI9205 and NI9870 that can be used to connect, I'm not sure which to use as well. I am using labview 2016. 



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Start here:


NMEA is very simple 4800-9600 baud serial data sent in ASCII text.


You basically need to decide what NMEA "Sentence" you are interested in and parse the text as it arrives.


You do not need any special hardware, a USB to Serial adaptor, LabVIEW and NI-VISA is all you need.


=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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