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Real Time Graph



I’m having trouble creating real time graphics. I mean “real time” as a graphic that add every second a new information. I hope someone can help me. I’m using LabVIEW 8.5.


For every second my application receives telemetry data (temperature, pressure, GPS, etc.) and it shows to the user in graphic form (temperature x time, pressure x time, latitude x time, etc.). I managed to create real time graphics using “XY Graphs” and arrays but my application runs for hours and days, so it gets really slow since arrays consume lots of memory in a long run. I want to create real time graphics without this slow performance.


“Waveform Charts” are not the best in this application because it shows only a limited number of points. I want to make possible to the user see anytime what happened in determined time of the experiment.


Does somebody have a suggestion? What are the available ways of creating a graphic?

Thank you very much!

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Message 1 of 3


In case if you are doing some calculations on arrays, try to do them under "Inplace element structure". This could possibly reduce the memory usage for arrays. 


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Message 2 of 3

Hello Nap,


Thanks for your suggestion. However I searched for some examples of "In Place Element Structure" and I wasn't able to adapt it to my software. I use 2D arrays for my data logs, so I couldn't find a way to use "In Place Element Structure".


I'm sending an image how I'm building my arrays. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or there is another better way.


In each loop a new line is added with all this information. Then I separate these information and create some graphs. For example, I get the column "Temp PT100 n1" from the 2D array "Temperature Log", bundle it with a time array and then send them to a XY Graph.


Thanks for your help.

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Message 3 of 3