04-23-2019 12:55 PM
I have been struggling with my VI for a project I am trying to do. My project is calculating BPM using a heart rate sensor. I have been able to calculate this. However, I want a graph to show BPM vs time in between each reading. I have noticed that the sensor reads every 10 seconds and wanted the graph to read it only 10 seconds. However, the graph continues to read the entire time and the BPM is not corresponding with the correct time. I have tried both a waveform graph and chart. Any help will be appreciated thank you!
I am using a Vernier heart rate sensor and a DAQ.
04-23-2019 04:04 PM
Sigh. What you need to do is to Learn LabVIEW. You need to understand the Principle of Data Flow, which governs the rate the Loop runs, the order in which functions operate, etc.
Here are some questions and comments:
Bob Schor