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Recherche d'un code source avec un fichier dll

C'est bon j'ai réussi à charger la dll avec la fonction .NET, noeud de méthode !


Il y a des fonctions qui s'affchent mais je ne sais toujours pas laquelle choisir. Et que faut il mettre en entrée et en sortie ? Je ne vois pas comment je peux former un VI avec cette fonction. 


Par contre, je ne vois pas en quoi  l'image peut me servir... Comment peut-on avoir tout ça directement ?

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Message 11 of 12

You'll have to read the documentation to determine which functions to use, and what values to use for inputs and ouputs. Although the main documentation page for the 1-WireAPI for .NET appears to be blank, there is documentation on all the classes if you click the Classes tab. Or, find an example that matches most of what you are trying to do, and duplicate that code in LabVIEW.


The image I posted should be equivalent code to the example given in the OW.NET Primer, in the section "Finding 1-Wire Devices." For example, near the beginning of that code is the line "adapter.beginExclusive()" and you can see in the image that the LabVIEW code calls the same function. If you are having trouble seeing the detail in the image, either right-click and view image, or drag it to your desktop and then open it so you can see it at full size. Again, that image is actual LabVIEW code (a "snippet") - you can drag the image into a LabVIEW 2012 block diagram and it will place all the functions. You can go through that code and see how it matches with the sample code from the OW.NET Primer. You might even be able to run it and see it find the devices in your system (again, I can't test it, I don't have the hardware).


In case it's not clear how to use the image snippet, here is the same code as a VI, saved in LabVIEW 2009. It will probably ask you to locate the .NET assembly when you try to open it.


I can provide help with LabVIEW but I cannot provide help specifically with the OneWire API as I've never used it and I have neither the time nor the hardware to learn it.

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Message 12 of 12