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Remote front panel for myRIO not working

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I'm working on an academic project where I should access the VI's targeted to myRIO from my computer browser.

To start with, I first tried on VI targeted to my Computer and it works perfectly. But it is not working for the VI targeted to myRIO.

I followed all the steps as described in below links


Please find the attachments for reference, also let me know if more details are required.

I would really appreciate your help! Thank you in advance!




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Message 1 of 10
Accepted by topic author GManoj

Hi GManoj,


On the Screenshots "WebServer_Setting_1" (and 2), this looks like the Settings for your local WebServer (Tools->Options ...). Did you set the same Settings for the myRIO Remote Panel Server? You need to rightclick the Controller in your Project and select "Properties", you should get a similar dialog as the options menu.


Hope this helps, otherwise, just let me know which settings you set for the myRIO.


Jan Göbel
Staff Technical Support Engineer

Message 2 of 10

Thank you very much, Jan Goebel,

I tried changing the web server setting for myRIO and connected myRIO wirelessly to the same network where my laptop was connected and it was working fine. But I'm facing a new issue, initially when it worked the ethernet ip of myRIO was default but now somehow it got changed to and now the same process is not working. I would really appreciate your help on this concern.


Thanks and regards,


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Hi GManoj,


thanks for the quick reply. Did you changed anything else to the myRIO? If the device is connected via USB it should always have the IP is a Link-Local IP-Address:

I would expect this address, if the myRIO is connected to a WLAN-Network and the Router does not has an DHCP-Server enabled. Then the myRIO will try to connect via Link-Local. But then I would wonder why it had the address before.
Do you have to option to manually change the IP-Address in MAX?


Jan Göbel
Staff Technical Support Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Hi JGoebel,


actually, I appreciate your help on this issue. You're right when I was connecting via USB the IP was but I can't access the VI's from other laptops connected to the same router and even from my laptop, I can access only with USB connection. Then just to give a try I connected myRIO also to my router just to bring all the devices in the same network and then I can access VI from all the laptops connected to that router with the IP generated for myRIO by the router. My router has a DHCP-Server enabled still I don't know why the physical IP got changed. You're right is a Link-Local IP-Address but now I can't even change it from NI MAX.

Thank you very much in advance!


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

Hi GManoj,


when you enter MAX and view the Network settings for your myRIO there should be two Adapters. One called usb0 which is static and cannot be modified. In your case the second one, wlan0 should be set to "Connect to wireless network". If this option is selected below you should be able to select wether the IP should be "DHCP or Link-Local" or "Static". Try setting it to static and assigning it an unused IP in the network.


Let me know how this works!


Jan Göbel
Staff Technical Support Engineer

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

Hi Jan,


correct there are two adapters in NI MAX network setting but in my case usb0 is DHCP only and IP is which I can't modify. Correct wlan0 is set to "Connect to wireless network" to bring all the devices in one network and which is set as "DHCP or Link-Local" for now. With this setting, the myRIO will get one wireless IP which can be used to access html file from all the devices connected in that network. Even if I change the wlan0 to static that will change the wireless IP not the usb0 IP, right? No idea how usb0 IP got changed. Please see attached snap for network settings.

Currently, it is working with the changed IP. I configured myRIO again and installed a few recommended software for myRIO. Now I can access VI's from the web in all devices connected in a network. I really appreciate your help and support in this concern. It was nice discussing with you. Thank you very much!

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hi Michael,


what you are facing seems very unusual, the USB0-Adapter should be an external Networkadapter (Usb->ExternalNetworkadapter inside myRIO -> myRIO-Board) that has a direct connection to the network adapter on the myRIO-Board itself. This "network" only has two participants and should always have a static IP of


In this case I would first try to format your myRIO and reset the Network settings when doing so, I can't tell how this IP could change, but after formatting it should be back to normal again.

Interesting is also, that your WLAN IP is set to DHCP and still uses the Address. If you turn of the wireless adapter, will the IP of usb0 also stay the same?


Jan Göbel

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10

Hi Jan,

yes, you're right it is very unusual how the physical address of ethernet got changed and how even the usb0 type changed to "DHCP" from "static" as it is not directly allowed to change from NI MAX. Currently, it is working with changed usb0 IP but as you mentioned if I format to revert it back to a default setting, what else formatting will reset? How to properly format the myRIO device. The reason behind asking this is I'm using university's myRIO for the educational project and now it is in the final stage. I would really appreciate your suggestion in this case.

Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Hi Manoj,


You can format your myRIO by rightclicking it in MAX and select "Format...". Formatting the myRIO will basically delete everything and reset it to the original state. After that you will have to reinstall all packages to the myRIO (Rightclick "Software" in MAX -> Add/Remove Software). If you set it up yourself you propably know what to install, otherwise you may have to check with the person that has set it up originally.
Also your networksettings will be reset and files stored on the device will be deleted.
Your Code is not affected by this, after reinstalling all packages you should be able to run your LabVIEW Project as usual.
Maybe you have to set the network settings again.

So if you are not too experienced I maybe wouldnt recommend formatting it right in the final phase of your project. So if it works with the Link-Local address, maybe the better approach is to just keep using this address. Is this project reused in the future?


Jan Göbel

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Message 10 of 10