05-16-2016 01:47 PM
I am very new to labview so this question is likely basic. I have a valve on an external instrument being controlled through a DAQ assistant. The instrument is made so when a signal is detected the valve will release for a specified amount of time (outside of labview control). Currently, I have a very simple setup with a boolean controlling whether signal is being passed through, this all being inside a while loop. Due to the nature of the valve, when the boolean is true it only dispenses once, even though continuous signal is being passed. What I need is for a single switch of the boolean to automatically turn itself off after a specified amount of time and then on again, repeating for 'x' number of times.
Thanks in advance,
05-16-2016 02:12 PM
Perhaps this thread will give you some ideas: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/boolean-switch-until-released-counter-tick-count/m-p/3294770#M963362