I'm currently trying to log data from thermocouples connected to a PXI 4353 card which has 8 built-in cold junction sensors. My goal is to read in raw voltages from the thermocouples and the temperatures from the cold junctions then calibrate them using an experimentally determined polynomial. I haven't been able to program a VI to allow me to log both the cold junction and the thermocouple readings simultaneously. Attached are some of the methods I've tried:
Thermocouple-test-1.vi has cascaded tasks to create virtual channels from the thermocouples and CJs
Thermocouple-test-2.vi has a task created in MAX which includes all the thermocouple voltages connected to a channel node that has the CJs as active channels and a setting to force read the CJ temps.
Both methods should output an array with all of the temperatures and voltages on the front panel, but nothing will show up! I'm able to read EITHER the CJs or the thermocouples, but not both in the same VI or at the same time.
I would appreciate any suggestions!