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Replace cluster bug

Old bug that appears in lots of LV versions (haven't tried 2013).

When replacing a cluster style (classic, modern, silver) it's emptied and all elements inside is lost. Since it's a graphical representation that shouldn't affect the data that shouldn't happen.



Place cluster

Place data elements inside

Replace cluster with another style

Cluster emptied.



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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Message 1 of 22

Cluster emptied with LV2013.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 22

That CAR is so old I bet it has letters in it.....

Message 3 of 22

@Yamaeda wrote:

Old bug that appears in lots of LV versions (haven't tried 2013).

When replacing a cluster style (classic, modern, silver) it's emptied and all elements inside is lost. Since it's a graphical representation that shouldn't affect the data that shouldn't happen.



Place cluster

Place data elements inside

Replace cluster with another style

Cluster emptied.



Got news for you.  It even empties out if you replace it with a cluster of the same style.  I suspect it's because it replaces your cluster with a new, empty one.  It's also quite consistent.  This happens wth arrays, also.



Curiously, it does NOT happen with tab controls.


(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
Message 4 of 22
Message 5 of 22

@ouadji wrote:

toile d'araignee.jpgSmiley Happy

Message 6 of 22

"Replace" Cluster control with empty cluster control gives you an empty cluster.  EXPECTED


This is what type defs are for.  Edit and apply changes to a type def cluster control (Be careful of changes to default values for elements if you go "Strict")


New...Control,,,,, make it a *.ctt, Control, Type def control or Strict type def control and "Replace" works the way the OP seams to want (and the way I expect)


Sorry guys and gals, I don't even expect that a "Replace" error in (no error) from "Classic" with Error In from "Silver" to change the lable since neither is "Strict"ly typed.


Now, I know I'm pressing it by dumping on another reported bug and declairing it "Expected."  Controls, and the control editor could stand a serious upgrade!  What the OP posted is a flaw that needs attention but has workarounds if you read the help file and follow the LabVIEW FP object rules.  I would not be adverse to a major FP object upgrade but, type propogation would need to be bi-directional before this new feature could exist.  Again, I'm not opposed to a major revision of FP objects but, they do work the way they work today.

<I hate tabs mode>

Oh, and Tabs are NOT Controls, they are "containers".  Let me use an ananology, "Milk" is a base data type.  It may be one of several types of milk (Whole , Skim, %x) Replacing "Whole Pasturized Organically grown %1Milk (from a cow)" with "Milk" should provide the default type of the base class.  However, I would expect changing a container would not change its contents.  Pouring %1 Milk from "Carton" to "Pitcher" should result in the change of "%1Milk in a Carton" to "%1Milk in a pitcher." Clusters and arrays are controls not containers.  Type def a Tab with contents and see the difference.  Yup replacing the container with a new type of container does not bring the contents of the old type.  Containers have no contents until they are filled with something.

</I hate tabs mode>

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 22

@JÞB wrote:

"Replace" Cluster control with empty cluster control gives you an empty cluster.  EXPECTED


This is what type defs are for.  Edit and apply changes to a type def cluster control (Be careful of changes to default values for elements if you go "Strict")


I guess that's a matter of perspective. I see it as replacing a cluster STYLE with another STYLE. They're both clusters, Structs, and the data is/should be unaffected.


Yes, a type def works as a workaround as i can replace the cluster and quickly build the data be inserting the type-def, that's not the point. In the RGC-thread we see lots of "workarounds". 😉


And yes, i guess this CAR is so old there's just rust and holes left in the chassis ...



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
Message 9 of 22

BTW, it works with Error clusters!


G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 22