08-08-2023 03:41 PM
I am trying to find the "Actor Framework" submenu when right-clicking on a message for an Actor in my project and I no longer see it there...
How do you auto-rescript messages in LabVIEW 2023 Q3?
08-11-2023 01:46 AM
I got the same problem with you, have you solved it yet?
08-11-2023 10:22 AM
Can someone please explain how to rescript messages in 2023 Q3????????
08-11-2023 10:44 AM
08-11-2023 11:06 AM
I can easily script the CREATION of new messages in the normal way, but, if you change the underlying .VI called by “Do.vi” you used to be able to “Rescript message” to update the message nodes.
I do not see the option to “Rescript Message” anywhere now.
08-11-2023 11:19 AM
I have captured this behavior change from 2023 Q1 to 2023 Q3, as seen below:
I created a trivial project with a single actor with a single private data (double) which then has a "write" accessor vi which I then create a message of.
After doing all this, you can see in 2023 Q1, I can rescript the message:
And when attempting to do the exact same thing in 2023 Q3, the context menu for "Actor Framework" is missing:
This makes altering messages very painful. PLEASE RETURN THE CONTEXT MENU NI!
Is there any way to rescript outside of this context menu?
08-12-2023 04:15 PM
So do I really need to revert to 2023 Q1?
08-14-2023 06:22 AM
Do other people have this same issue? Can anyone address this? It seems like I have no other choice than to go back to 2023 Q1 over this simple context menu....
08-14-2023 05:07 PM
What is there in <labview>/resource/Framework/Providers/MessageRescripter ?
Is there a MessageRescripter.ini in <labvew>/Resource/Framework/Providers/GProviders ?
08-14-2023 10:07 PM
This is the output of dir /s /b "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Labview 2023\resource\Framework\Providers\MessageRescripter"
MessageRescripter.ini does exist in that path (file contents):