02-16-2016 03:08 PM
I've just completed walking myself through Labview for Scientists and Engineers (Essick) and currently building my subVI arsenal to build a multiple 4-20mA sensor automated test stand.
I currently have a VI that prompts the user for a DAQmx Channel and DAQmx Custom Scale (scale setup with PSI units in MAX) and provides this to a subVI for DAQmx calls & and data capture.
The subVI captures data from either pressure transducers, flow meters, or level sensors.
The issue I'm having is I want to have my subVI provide the MAX custom scale units (PSI, GPM, Inches, etc...) out to the main VI for when I write the data to a file (with units).
Solved! Go to Solution.
02-16-2016 03:25 PM
02-16-2016 03:27 PM
That menu is located in DAQmx -> Advanced -> Scale Setup
02-17-2016 07:45 AM
Do I have to programmaticly create the scales versus using MAX to use the Scale Property Node (to get the scaled units string) ?
I like having the user interface pulling the custom MAX scales from the drop down menu.
02-17-2016 08:30 AM
No. You need to set the Active Scale first and then the property node will return the scaled units of that scale.