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Ruler or scale in a image display window

Hi All,


I am displaying a video and an image in a front panel is it possible to have a ruler or scale embedded in that image display window by any chance. Please let me know.



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Message 1 of 9

Now I need each graph to have multiple plots. The array that built the original data clusters of x and y arrays now must make arrays of these clusters, one for each plot. So, I tried passing these arrays into a cluster before pussing out of the for loop, but I can't get the graph cluster to accept the result. I've also tried indexing out a 3-D array and getting a 2-D array of graphs to accept this data, to no avail. [url=] [/url]
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Message 2 of 9

@hffkt89: Hi, it looks like your post does not really apply to the original post in this thread. It will be easier for people to reply to your post then if it is in a correct thread. 


@AnkitG: Hi,


what kind of image dispaly window on the Front Panel are you using? Could you describe your application a bit more? Depending on the answer to that, a simple solution might be to just create your own scale and place that on the picture. 


Hopefully this helps. 

Gabriel M.
Product Marketing Engineer - Academic Courseware
National Instruments
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Message 3 of 9

If the image is in a Picture control, you can add a scale to it with: Graphics &Sound -> Picture Plots -> Draw And if you keep the image and the scale in separate wires, and only concatenate them for display, you can "move" the scale with the mouse.

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Message 4 of 9

@Mockingbird wrote:

@hffkt89: Hi, it looks like your post does not really apply to the original post in this thread. It will be easier for people to reply to your post then if it is in a correct thread. 


@AnkitG: Hi,


what kind of image dispaly window on the Front Panel are you using? Could you describe your application a bit more? Depending on the answer to that, a simple solution might be to just create your own scale and place that on the picture. 


Hopefully this helps. 

Hi Mockinbird,


Attached is my vi, I am using image display, in my vi i   and I want to show the scale or graticule or even a grid in my iamge /video display.

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Message 5 of 9

Following up on what Todd_Lesher wrote, here's a rough example of how you can make a scale follow the mouse across a picture.



You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

Message 6 of 9

Turns out the pictures are in IMAQ Image indicators. Depending on how much it slows down the system, you could place a 2D Picture on top of the IMAQ control - and paint the picture transparent. The scale will still show up as jcarmody so succinctly showed.

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Message 7 of 9

It might take some effort but I would imagine you could use the IMAQ Overlay VIs to 'construct' a scale by positioning multiple lines and text overlays.

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Message 8 of 9

@Quintin wrote:

It might take some effort but I would imagine you could use the IMAQ Overlay VIs to 'construct' a scale by positioning multiple lines and text overlays.

Thanks a lot, todd_lesher, Quintin and jcarmody for the suggestion, I will try those suggestions.



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Message 9 of 9