02-09-2015 03:57 PM
Hi Daniel,
Thank you for your help. Using %s works, but it does not solve my problem completely. What I really need to do is the following. I run a state machine which takes some measurements. I want to label each run by a run number and I need this run number to be saved in the file at the end of the run. I thought the logic I wrote would be the correct way of doing this, but apparently is not as straightforward as I thought. Do you have any suggestion on that regard?
Thanks again,
02-18-2015 10:31 AM
Hi Christian,
Your logic looks sound.
Another way, but a bit more complicated, you could try going about this would be to keep a completey separate .txt file that just keeps track of the run numbers. You could read and write from that file and append it to your file names.
But I feel the original way you were going about it would be more direct.
02-18-2015 01:10 PM
Thank you so much for your feedback. I actually finally got it to work.