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Run_Time_Engine==True doesn't work for all cases of using runtime

According to help there are built-in conditional disable conditions that can be used.

Specifies whether the subdiagram executes when you create a LabVIEW stand-alone application or shared library that uses the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine.


I figured this would be the ideal way to handle some code logic I need to implement which behaves differently when in Development environment vs Release. It works for when using just LabVIEW or creating an exe.


However, I tried calling the VI through TestStand. No matter how I set the adapter, the conditional disable diagram runs the default case. I've attached very basic VI, exe, and teststand sequence that demonstrates this.(2016 versions, though verified same funtion works for 2014 versions)


I know I can use the App.Kind property and read out that the system is run time. But I thought this behavior would be the same.


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Conditional disable structures are affecting the compiler. The compiler compiles only that case which is used at the time of compilation.

Regarding the specific key you mention (Run_Time_Engine) the key will evaluate to TRUE only when the LV application builder compiles code during building an EXE or DLL. Otherwise, the key is FALSE.

Please note that the LV compiler works also during development to create runable code. Pressing the run button of an VI executes the compiled code. For this kind of compilation, the key is (as mentioned) FALSE. When using that VI in TS, the compiled code will not include (hence execute) the TRUE case.



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