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Run VI with I/O SERVER on another PC

Hello! I have created a VI for monitoring the inputs and outputs of a PLC, I use I/O SERVER from Labview and OPC server from MITSUBISHI, on the computer on which I created the program works without problems but when I try to run on another PC to which I installed the LABVIEW RUN TIME ENGINE and the OPC SERVER OF EMITSUBISHI does not work, it only runs the VI but it doesn't connect to the OPC, what programs do I need to install for it to connect correctly?, thank you

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Usually if something "doesn't connect", then you should have error code, which will tell you why it "doesn't connect". If you using "I/O SERVER from Labview", then it seems to be that you're using DSC, isn't? If so, then at least DSC Run-Time may also be needed as well.

Please show piece of the code how you connecting to your OPC server.


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