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Run exe file

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I am new with labview and I need your help.

I want Run exe file (include USB) on system without labview. I create "installer"  and added "NI Labview Run Time Engine 2011" and "NI Visa RunTime 5.1"

but USB doesn't work! 



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Message 1 of 11

Could you better define "USB doesn't work! " USB keyboard? mouse? DAQ?

Charles Chickering
Architecture is art with rules.

...and the rules are more like guidelines
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Message 2 of 11
Accepted by topic author Mayayi

I am guessing you built a VI using LabVIEW and then compiled it into an EXE.   And it uses NI-VISA to communicate via USB?



If your VI doesn't work after compiling, you should get an error message.


If you don't get an error message, you probably don't have proper error handling.  You need to wire through all your error clusters and pop up a dialog (or something equivalent). 


Here is a good start:
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Message 3 of 11

Yes, I built a VI using LABVEIW and compiled it into an EXE file and use NI-VISA. VI and EXE file work correctly in my system that have a LABELED program, but it doesn't work on system that haven't LABVEIW!

please help me!  




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Message 4 of 11

We need more info to be able to help you.  What do you mean by "it doesn't work".  Do you get an error message?  what exactly happens when you double-click on the EXE?


Also, I still supect that you do not have proper error handling in your code.  If something doesn't work, you should get an error message.  If you don't get any error messages, its probably because you aren't handling your errors properly.


As a last resort, please post your code so we can look at it.
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Message 5 of 11

A PC that will be runing a exe programmed in LabVIEW, needs as a minimum the LabVIEW Run-time Engine.

If you use NI-VISA, the PC also needs the NI-VISA Run-time Engine.

If you use NI DAQmx, the PC needs the DAQmx driver.


It is the same when you have a java program, you need the java run-time engine.


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Message 6 of 11

Yes, I use "NI-VISA".

I create Installer, and select the "LabVIEW Run-time Engine" and " NI-VISA Run-time Engine" (check Attached file) . And install it on a PC.

Exe file running but USB doesn't work.

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Message 7 of 11
What kind of USB are you talking about? Mouse, keyboard, DAQ device? If its something like a USB-RS232 converter, then you would also need to install the windows driver for that. Please be a little more specific.
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Message 8 of 11

I design a board and use from "USB\VID_461&PID_20"

Please check attached file.


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Message 9 of 11

Please help me 😞

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Message 10 of 11