Fixes: 1. Get rid of the inner While loop. (The Point by Point Vis ahve an inner loop with a shift register to accumulate values).
I did that, and the histogram reset after plotting a single value. I tried copying the pt by pt histogram VI into that, and yet it still does not accumulate values.
2. Use the Histogram Graph output of the Histogrm VI. It does exactly the same thing internally as you do to connect to the graph. Open it up and take a look.
Will do
3. Use equality testing (Robot Postion 11) in real number with great caution. Due to finite precision representation in the computer, the number 1 could be internally represented as 0.9999999982 which is NOT = 1. Use the In Range and Coerce with suitable tolerances.
In this case, it is True or False coming in from the PLC. If I place a numeric indicator on it with 0.00000001 accuracy, it is still 1 or 0. That's why I use it. However, your point is very valid and it was a good reminder, so thank you.
4. This is personal preference, but I like the In Range and Coerce primitive much better than the In Range express. It uses less diagarm space and the limit values are visible on the diagram rather than being hidden inside the config dialog.
I agree.
5. The front panel was huge. Scrolling for 5 minutes to find the other controls does not make a very good user interface. You can put descriptive names on the tabs.
I know; I did that on purpose so it would focus on the histogram for now. I would never implement something like that for our operators...