08-09-2016 12:33 AM
Hey guys so I’m having trouble creating a myrio project. The first thing I try and do is create a new project and then click myrio from the templates. But as you can see from the below picture I don’t get the option of naming or configure the device like the picture below that.
What suppose to happen when I click next after trying to create a “myrio project”
The only way I can create a VI on the myrio is by selecting blank project and from there right clicking on the project tab and then select “new>>devices and targets” as in the picture below.
After that I can select which way to use the myrio as in the below picture.
After that I can finally build a VI on the myrio and access the myrio toolkit see below, but when I try to click on a vi I get this error.
Also when i try and ping the myrio i cant recieve anything i configured wifi connection but nothing and when i enter the ip address of the myrio into the web it doesnt connect. see below.
WIFI configuration
Software Details
08-09-2016 12:45 AM
One of the error because of different versions of vi and Labview, you can sort it by using : http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/C18E6D5FFA8F0D85862568CC0067274F
08-09-2016 01:09 AM
it still gives same error? I create a vi on the myrio then save as a previous version in this case 15.0.
08-09-2016 01:21 AM
You have to convert all vis,subvis, controls typedefs everything.
The error specifically showing LED Express VI: where is it ? what version it is?
08-09-2016 01:41 AM
I only have one vi and so i try doing it as in the picture below.
its the led vi from the myrio pallete see image below. When i try and drop it on the block diagram of laview the error pops up " vi version 16.0 is newer than labview version 16.0b75.
08-09-2016 03:34 AM - edited 08-09-2016 03:42 AM
Could you check in NI License manager what versions of following are installed.
-How did you install Labview and myRIO Toolkit?
-Try installing as bundle to avoid version conflicts: http://www.ni.com/download/ni-myrio-software-2016/6201/en/
08-09-2016 03:56 PM
this worked thank you, but there is another problem , the safemode on the myrio seems to be broken. It happened when i updated to labview 2016. The software doesnt give me permission to update the safemode. Any idea how i can get the correct safemode verison?
08-09-2016 04:04 PM