05-20-2016 10:41 AM
We have a 3D array of vertices (x,y,z) (cloud of points). Is there a way to exsport an STL file based on the 3D array?
We tried using this VI: http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/3d-model-exprot-from-labview/m-p/2831766/highlight/true#M827698 , but it created a broken binary STL file.
Thank you
05-22-2016 12:37 PM
STL is a mesh format, meaning that your vertices must be organized in triangular surfaces (3 vertices per surface) before being able to export them. Going from cloud of points to surface is a tricky thing. The easiest thing I can recommend is to export your points in a format compatible with Meshlab (www.meshlab.org) and use Meshlab to convert your cloud of points into a mesh. Then export from meshlab into a .STL file.
You can use the 30-day free trial Haro3D library (download using VIPM) to export the cloud of points to a .XYZ or .PLY file.
And join the 3D Vision group if you are interested.
Good luck
04-16-2018 03:04 PM
You can see it in my example. It will generate both formats ply and stl files.