06-16-2011 02:02 AM
Hi JCollado,
why do you read it as an image? I recommend to read the image as binary data and write it to the database. You can use the file I/O function to read the image.
With your method it could be that you lose some information, e.g. the mask or color table.
06-16-2011 06:47 AM
Thanks I will try that.
06-16-2011 09:37 AM
I think I don't know what I'm doing with this.
It works fine to load in labview but not in crystal reports.
Could you show me snippet of doing it reading binary?
Else I will just make a vb.net dll and pass it the image path to save to database. This will be easy enough for me but I would hate to do this just because I can't make it work with Labview.
Not much experience with Labview yet.
06-16-2011 09:46 AM
Just use the Read Binary File function. Be sure to set the endianness, if necessary.