04-04-2007 05:52 PM
04-05-2007 07:47 AM
04-11-2007 07:10 PM
04-11-2007 08:56 PM
You can send the stepper motor a finite pulse train. Most stepper motors can be configured for the number of steps per revolution and when you send a finite pulse train, you can control how many revolutions the motor travels for each move request. I used to do this many years ago and I found the best way for me was to know how many steps per revolution and calculate the number of pulses to send to the motor based on the desired motor travel. I used magnetic switches to find the motor's home position however. The drawback to stepper motors is when you turn it off, it may move or slip and you can never be sure of its position when its turned back on. Hence, why I needed to be able to detect a "home" position.
Good luck,
04-12-2007 06:42 AM