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Saving for the Desired Version of LabVIEW

@paul_a_cardinale wrote:

OK, here's the new and improved version

Place the attached LLB in all of your  ...\LabVIEW 20??\project\  folders.

(It's a good idea to mass compile).

Now when you run LabVIEW, you will have two new menu items

Tools -> Retain LV Version - Create Snippet...

Tools -> Retain LV Version - Save VI...

By default, they will save to whichever version of LabVIEW the VI was last saved for (but you can also choose a different version).

Wow, it seems to be working and functional! The only minor issue is that the default version in the list is not the version of the VI that was last saved, but rather the actual version (I checked this for a VI saved in 2023 and opened in 2024 with this tool). And design of the border can be improved, but it's very useful; thank you so much!

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 27

@Andrey_Dmitriev wrote:

@paul_a_cardinale wrote:

OK, here's the new and improved version

Place the attached LLB in all of your  ...\LabVIEW 20??\project\  folders.

(It's a good idea to mass compile).

Now when you run LabVIEW, you will have two new menu items

Tools -> Retain LV Version - Create Snippet...

Tools -> Retain LV Version - Save VI...

By default, they will save to whichever version of LabVIEW the VI was last saved for (but you can also choose a different version).

Wow, it seems to be working and functional! The only minor issue is that the default version in the list is not the version of the VI that was last saved, but rather the actual version (I checked this for a VI saved in 2023 and opened in 2024 with this tool). And design of the border can be improved, but it's very useful; thank you so much!

The defaults work OK for me (although I don't have LV 2024).

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 27

@Andrey_Dmitriev wrote:

@paul_a_cardinale wrote:

OK, here's the new and improved version

Place the attached LLB in all of your  ...\LabVIEW 20??\project\  folders.

(It's a good idea to mass compile).

Now when you run LabVIEW, you will have two new menu items

Tools -> Retain LV Version - Create Snippet...

Tools -> Retain LV Version - Save VI...

By default, they will save to whichever version of LabVIEW the VI was last saved for (but you can also choose a different version).

Wow, it seems to be working and functional! The only minor issue is that the default version in the list is not the version of the VI that was last saved, but rather the actual version (I checked this for a VI saved in 2023 and opened in 2024 with this tool). And design of the border can be improved, but it's very useful; thank you so much!

Open the attached VI with LV 2024 and run it.  You should get:


Let me know if you get something different.

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 27

Yes, in LV2024 I have exactly same output as shown on your screenshot.

But I have one empty VI  which is opened in 2024 and "downsaved" to 2023 with this tool, and if I paste your code into it, then it appeared as shown below:

Screenshot 2024-12-05 22.37.08.png

(This VI can be opened in LV 2023 without any problem).


0 Kudos
Message 24 of 27

@Andrey_Dmitriev wrote:

Yes, in LV2024 I have exactly same output as shown on your screenshot.

But I have one empty VI  which is opened in 2024 and "downsaved" to 2023 with this tool, and if I paste your code into it, then it appeared as shown below:

Screenshot 2024-12-05 22.37.08.png

(This VI can be opened in LV 2023 without any problem).


That's an interesting LabVIEW quirk that leads to a bug in my code.  My code assumes that the "Saved Version" property is the version that it was saved for; but it's actually the version of LabVIEW that last saved the VI.

I'll have to fix my code.

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 27

Here is the fixed version (1.01).

Now the defaults should always be correct.

Message 26 of 27

New improved version (2.0)

Now is able to save libraries (.lvlib, .lvclass, .lvsc, .xctl, .xnode).

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 27