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Scan for Instruments automatically using labview?

I understand you can use NI MAX to scan for instruments connected to your desktop/laptop. Using NI MAX it also provides the IP Address, GPIB Address, USB, and COM Port within the window as well.


My question is there a labview VI that can do the same thing but within labview? I use many differant instruments ranging from USB devices to GPIB to TCIP. I would love to be able to scan for instruments which are connected and use them. The only way I know of how to do this right now is to make a small loop which hits every address available with a "*IDN?" command and wait for a return but this only seems to work if I use a GPIB cable. If I have a USB ready device I have no idea how it would work since USB cables don't have a "address" similar to GPIB. If anyone could point me in a direction where I can do this in a very similar way to NI MAX where it would scan for instruments and return what is connected with the correct address it would great. If no solution exists perhaps pointing me in a direction where I may be able to do something would be greatly appreciated.

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Use "VISA Find Resource".   It's in the Instrument I/O Palette under VISA Advanced.

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