11-07-2011 10:03 AM
Thanks Ben64... I read the programmer manual and your are correct, the commands in my diagram exist in MSO7104A. I just tried your correction and I'm still getting the same error code. I spend about two days trying to capture the screen of the scope. I'm lost and don't know what to do next... i'm stuck... i really need some help... thanks.
11-07-2011 11:58 AM
For a DPO70000 scope I had done something different, maybe this is what you have to do for the MSO7104 (families 7000 and 70000 are closer than 7000 and 4000).
Basically what it does is copy the screenshot to a temporary location on the scope C: drive then use the file transfer function to copy it on the test computer. Finally it delete the screenshot from the scope drive. You have to take care not to use a to long name for the copy saved on the scope drive since it is limited to x characters (I don't remember the value). You can rename it when you save to the test computer.
11-08-2011 11:20 AM
Hi Ben64
Thanks a lot for your help. I tried the attached vi file and it does the same thing as the previous. The error still occurs at "VISA Read to File" and I played with its "byte" count parameter (i.e., 1000, 512, 255, 1, etc) and its still doing the same thing. By the way, i cannot create the folder in the MSO7104A (i check the manual and played with the directory), so I just used the scope main drive "C:/" of the scope.
11-08-2011 11:40 AM
11-09-2011 10:52 AM
Hi Jsimbul,
Here's a link to a Knowledge Base article on NI's website that describes the VISA Timeout Error you're receiving: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/874B379E24C0A0D686256FCF007A6EA0
One step I believe you should take is using the Bytes at Port property node in order to make sure that you are reading the correct number of bytes for your instrument, as attempting to read an incorrect number of bytes can definitely cause this error. You should also check the manual for your MSO7104A to make sure it supports whichever commands you are sending to it, as that could certainly also cause a timeout.
Dan N
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
09-26-2018 02:28 AM
Thank U all for such a clear discussion on the topic and for the Labview model too.
I run the model u suggested on Tektronix MDO3024 but it showing error.
Error from VISA Read to File
Source of Error:VISA Read To File in Untitled 1
09-26-2018 03:40 AM
I have tried ur model and its showing error -1073807339 VISA Read to file.
Any idea please?
02-25-2020 12:35 AM
Hi Polisetti
Please try to use HARDCopy START instead of HARDCopy START;
Just remove semicolon.