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Scrip Error



When I use Web Browser some time Show Dialog like "Error Scrip"  I have Labview 13, in Windows 10, somebodey can help me, please!!!

Thenks a lot.


Best Regards



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Message 1 of 4

Too little information to even understand what you're trying to describe.

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Message 2 of 4

Not to mention that LabVIEW 2013 is not supported in Windows 10. The earliest supported version is 2015 SP1.

NI Product Compatibility for Microsoft Windows 10

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 3 of 4

From Wikipedia: "A scrip is any substitute for legal tender. It is often a form of credit. Scrips have been created and used for a variety of reasons, including exploitive payment of employees under truck systems."

"If you weren't supposed to push it, it wouldn't be a button."
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