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Security disabled controls in local VI are enabled in remote Panel



I've a VI wich implements secutity at some controls, disabling them for some users. It works ok even in the executable.





But  when I open the Web page, created with the Web publishing tool, the user can access to all controls even when they're disabled in the VI.




 Is it a bug? I build the web page in the computer with the domain manager.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

I don't think it is a bug.


I don't think DSC security is supposed to translate to web panels.  When you are using a web panel, how is it supposed to know which user you are?

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Message 2 of 5

But in the VI the controls are disabled and grayed, they really are. 

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Hey EinSoldiatGott,


When you say "But in the VI the controls are disabled and grayed, they really are." What are you trying to point out? (e.g. that when not in the web the VI controls are grey, When I look at them in the web interface they are grey, etc.) In general can you elaborate on your reply?

Application Engineer, RF and Communications
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi, I mean, in my front panel, in the computer running the executable, the executable has the controls disabled.

But in the remote front panel they're enabled, so if somebody is manipulating the remote front panel, they can interact with the controls. Like in my picture



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Message 5 of 5