09-09-2016 09:03 AM
@Hooovahh wrote:
@A.Salcedo wrote:But the problem is that I have to leave my program in client's company (not executable, the whole program because a .exe does not wor fine yet). So I would like to protect the diagram block and copies that client can do...
It sounds like you are asking for a way to deliver source code to a client, and have it be restricted. This just isn't something that can be done. Sure you can password protect the block diagram but the source is still there. Make a built binary executable and license that. Microsoft doesn't just ship Word as source code and ask people to build their own execuable, or run it as source, neither should you.
Generally, yes, but I can imagine a scenario where you were selling to the DoD or a DoD contractor, in which case they would, in all probability, want control of the source code.
09-09-2016 09:58 AM
Well in that case I wouildn't call it selling your software, I'd call it selling your services, with whatever output you generate going to the buyer. If you spent time developing a licensing mechanizm that they didn't pay for I'd suspect they wouldn't want to be charged for it, and may ask the "feature" be removed without paying for it as well.
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09-09-2016 10:00 AM
@Hooovahh wrote:Well in that case I wouildn't call it selling your software, I'd call it selling your services, with whatever output you generate going to the buyer. If you spent time developing a licensing mechanizm that they didn't pay for I'd suspect they wouldn't want to be charged for it, and may ask the "feature" be removed without paying for it as well.
That's an interesting perspective, one that I never thought about. I appreciate your response! Thanks!
09-09-2016 04:07 PM
Adding my thoughts (for whatever they're worth), it sounds like we have a variety of ideas we're looking at here.
If you're selling an application, provide that as an executable. Why would you provide the source if you want to appear professional?
If they're requiring the source, you're not so much selling the application. Your deliverable is source code for a reason. It'd be rather awkward to license source for x number of uses. I doubt they'd ask you to maintain this software as their goal is to get source to provide some of the functionality of their application while simultaneously giving them the flexibility to modify it to fit their needs. You're being paid for your time to develop this functionality more so than to provide it for x machines. If you're not able to password protect the VIs as per their expectations, they don't view your transaction as providing an application. If you do, you should have this conversation so everyone is on the same page and you should provide an application. Just be prepared to provide the support to maintain it as well.
09-12-2016 10:24 AM
@stockson wrote:You can also use this: http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/pl/nid/209107
The Third Party License Activation Toolkit suggested by stockson is free for a library that you make available on the Labview Tools Network. My experience with this licensing tool is fairly good but I hear that there are other licensing options that are better (not free though).
Maybe you can find some part of your code that you build into a library. That library can be protected and sold to your customer. The rest of the code is fully accessible to your customer.
09-21-2016 05:04 AM
I have just checked vipm but i do not understand really good... How can I create and executable and sell it with vipm?
09-21-2016 05:09 AM
What software allow me to do web activation or serial number?
My problem is that I do not any tool which allow me create an executable and protect it whe I seel it.
09-21-2016 05:10 AM
How can I use that password that you say?
09-21-2016 05:14 AM
Yes! The final product will be and executable, But now the executable does not work fine (my program works just in development environment becuase DSC run time engine does not work yet for me). So for that reason i need that the client see the program working in his company, and the only way that I think that it is possible is leave the development program and protect it with a password but as you say the code is still there... So any ideas?
09-21-2016 05:20 AM
Thanks for the response!
The final product will be and executable, But now the executable does not work fine (my program works just in development environment becuase DSC run time engine does not work yet for me). So for that reason i need that the client see the program working in his company, and the only way that I think that it is possible is leave the development program and protect it with a password but as you say the code is still there... So any ideas?