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Send SMTP email on Labview Community 2023 MacOS

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I have an issue in using the send email function that I need for my project. I'm using LabVIEW community 2023 on macOS. The simple vi in photo returns me this error and i couldn't find any appropriate solution on the other posts on the forum. I am using outlook and smtp2go in order to avoid any problem related to privacy settings.


Error -1967362015 occurred at LabVIEWSMTPClient.lvlib:Open


OS and Network Services: (Hex 0x8ABC7021) Failed to load library.


Complete call chain:
Untitled 1


Is it possible to solve the problem? Are there any ways to work around the issue by using any other function to send a notification to my phone? Thank you to anyone that is going to reply.

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Message 1 of 3

I can verify that Send SMTP Mail works fine in LabVIEW 2021 (32-bit) and earlier versions running on PCs.  I have no experience running LabVIEW on MACs, and also have no experience with any version of LabVIEW Community for MacOS.  I also haven't tried later versions of LabVIEW, nor 64-bit LabVIEW (any version).


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author labnario

Hi, I solved the issue by using system and giving the command to the macOS terminal using msmtp. You can install msmtp by terminal using “sudo install msmtp”. Best wishes

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Message 3 of 3