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Sending data from MSP430G2553 LaunchPad to Labview

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Hello all,


So, I have an MSP430G2553 LaunchPad and I want to be able to send it data to Labview via USB using UART.


What have I done in the MSP430G2553 ?

Well I have written code that whenever I push a button on the LaunchPad it send I text trough USB using UART. Using a program on my PC that monitors my serial port, I can confirm that whenever I press the button the text comes to the PC. I was also able to send commands from the monitor (it has a "send command" field) to the MSP430. So the connection works fine, between LaunchPad and PC.


What have I done in Labview?

On the attached file "Labview_MSP430.JPG" you can see my code. Whenever I click on the "VISA resource name" there is no COM. It only says "Refresh", and even when I click it nothing happens. As you can see in the file "Device_Manager.JPG" the PC can see my MSP430 device in COM3.


So my question is, what do I need to do so Labview can see my COM3/MSP430G3553 device? And then, is my code correct so it can read the serial port?

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Accepted by topic author Metalzero2
What matters is whether the com port is visible in MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) and for the port to be visible, you must install NI-VISA.

In your code, you should also add the VISA Configure Serial Port. Replace the VISA Open with it. Inside the loop, you should not be using VISA Bytes at Serial Port. The msp code should be configured to append a termination character (i.e. line feed) and you simply set the VISA Read number of bytes to some arbitrarily high number. The read will automatically terminate when the character is detected.
Message 2 of 3


@Dennis_Knutson wrote:
What matters is whether the com port is visible in MAX (Measurement and Automation Explorer) and for the port to be visible, you must install NI-VISA.

Hello Dennis_Knuston,


NI-VISA fixed everything, tnx so much 😄


Also tnx for the tips in the code, works like a gem ^^!




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