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Serial communication cause crash of LabView

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I'm traying to make a serial communication with Labview. The problem is that the programm always crash (no error popup but only LabView freeze) when I read or write with VISA.

I'm working with a converter module (ADAM 4571) which convert Ethernet to RS-232/422/485. The module is mapped on the computer and work similar as a COM port. I tested the connection with Terminal of windows and its work. That mean that isn't a Hardware problem.

I did the same communication some week ago with the same hardware and didn't have a problem. I don't understand why it don't work now.


I give in attachment my code but it isn't particular thing exept for the block which set Buffer (which is requiered for my module) but if I remove it the problem persists.


Does anyone have an idea what can be the problem?






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Message 1 of 4

Maybe I forgot some important informations.


- When I try to write I can see that the informations are sent before that the programm crash.

- I tried with another computer to be sure that is'nt a problem of LabView on my computer but the problem is the same.






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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by Marchj

Ok, I solved the problem.


The version of the driver for the mapping of the converter module wasn't exactly the right now I change it and its work.



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Message 3 of 4

Hi Jerome

Its working fine here..(i use LV2009)


BTW..what is your LV / VISA version

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Message 4 of 4