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Serial data transmission through RS232

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Can I interface RS232 of PC with PIC16f877A using Labview.? If Yes

Please help me out


Yours Sincerely,

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Message 1 of 8

Can you use the microcontroller to perform the RS-232 communications?  LabVIEW can easily communicate over the RS-232 port of a computer.  If you go to "Help->Find Examples..." in LabVIEW and search for "serial read write", you should be able to find a few examples.


Do you know your communication settings?  Baud Rate?  Start Bits?  Stop Bits?  Handshaking?

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Message 2 of 8

i want to send data by writing 8bit as 1111111 and 00000000 etc .on RS232.

can u help me


Yours sincerely

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Message 3 of 8
Accepted by topic author Ali211

VISA Write.  Create a String constant for the data to write.  Right click and set it for hex display.  Put in 00 for all 0's.  Put in FF for all 1's.

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Message 4 of 8

I m using prolific USB to serial convertor . Labview is not transmitting and recieving  data through this however it is working with desktop RS232. 


Please help me out

Yours sincerely 

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

I m using prolific USB to serial convertor . Labview is not transmitting and recieving  data through this however it is working with desktop RS232. 


Please help me out

Yours sincerely 

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Get a USB to RS-232 serial converter that is not based on the prolific chipset.  There are numerous post in the forums where people have complained about that chipset now working correctly.  People who have used ones based on the FTDI chipset have not had problems.

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Message 7 of 8

I had a similar issue with Windows XP and the Prolific chip set.  I was seeing my one Prolific USB to Serial Com port in Labview, but not the other (I had two plugged in).  I realized I had the Agilent IO software installed.  I uninstalled that and the one Prolific USB to Serial Com port I was seeing in Labview went away.


I reinstalled the Agilent IO, it saw both Prolific USB to Serial Com ports so I attached an instrument to them.  Renamed the instrument to match the Com port name and now I can access both of them in Labview.


What am I getting at?  If you use the Prolific USB to Serial devices set them up using the Agilent IO and Labview will recognize them.  One thing to notice is that in the NI MAX application it was showing zero com ports, while in the Agilent IO I saw both of them. 


Something must we screwy within Labview or the way the Prolific VCP driver is written.


Hope this helps... 



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Message 8 of 8