02-26-2007 09:56 AM
02-26-2007 10:15 AM
02-26-2007 10:18 AM
Well, that's a shame.
It makes things much more cumbersome.
Here's something to add to the next LV release NI.
02-26-2007 10:24 AM
Hi Wes
Would a cluster do what you need? The cluster can hold different controls with varying ranges.
02-26-2007 10:27 AM
If the FP Write VI will accept it.
It looks like the default is a single DBL value.
I'll give it a shot though.
02-26-2007 11:36 AM
02-26-2007 12:48 PM
Tried the cluster.
Yes, one can assign unique data range values to individual controls within the cluster.
But the VI still doesn't recognize the scaling set in MAX and imported to the project when I select the entire bank in the Fieldpoint I/O control.
IF I place a single control knob with my 8-16 range, and IF I select only the channel I configured in MAX as the item for the FP Write, THEN it works fine.
That still leaves me hanging when I have unique scaling for each channel.
I can't seem to group to controls and send the whole group of values to the FP Write VI and get the correct result.
02-26-2007 01:16 PM
The FP Write VI found under Measurement Controls expects a 1-D array input for values, so I have to use the Cluster to Array conversion and that puts me back in the situation with using a fixed array structure.
02-27-2007 03:55 PM