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Setting Dialog Box position

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I am calling the simple one button dialog box function from the Dialog palette.  When running, the dialog box always appears in the center of the VI window, no matter where the VI window is placed.  The dialog box is covering indicatorsthat the user must see.


Other than moving the indicators on the front panel, is there anything that can be done to move the dialog box to be maybe outside the front panel window?  I see no setting for a dialog box position.


I know I can always create a subvi as a dialog box and set its window position, but I was wondering if the Labview primitive position could be modified.


- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
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Message 1 of 6



At least not directly. You could probably use OS API functions to do it, but it wold be a whole lot easier to simply write your own.

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Message 2 of 6

That is what I was afraid of.  Just hoping that there was something else out there.  It is easy enought to write my own.  Thanx.


- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author tbob

What I have done when I have run across something like this is take the display message to user express VI and right click it and select whatever the option is called to make it a normal VI. Then you can dig into it and copy the source code or save as and make a copy to modify as needed. That way you keep all the existing resizing based on the input text if a message is being displayed, etc. I believe this VI doesn't just wrap the primative dialogs so you have much more flexibility

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Message 4 of 6

Great idea, for(imstuck).  Since I never use Express VIs, I would never have thought of this.  Thanx.


- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
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Message 5 of 6

@tbob wrote:

Great idea, for(imstuck).  Since I never use Express VIs, I would never have thought of this.  Thanx.


It's kind of a nightmare to look at that code, so hopefully you don't have to figure out too much that's going on inside the VI. But, yeah I generally try to avoid them also. The only ones I use are this one, express timer and some of the file dialog ones if need be just because they provide some inputs for showing/not showing so I'm not always wrapping them in case structures. But, I always "show as icon" Huge pet peeve when I see the big clunky blue rectangle on a BD.

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Message 6 of 6