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Setting different precisions for Y-scale and cursor position

I have added a screenshot here with yellow highlights to show  Y-scale ( left on the graph) and Cursor-Y (right on the cursor legend)


The number of precison digits shown for each of these numbers are both four digits. I want the Yscale digits to be zero and the Cursor Y to be 4 or any number.


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 30

Well, BlessedK, you have once again attached a picture, but no VI, so I cannot determine how you have set the Y Scale Display Format.  I'll note in the VI you attached most recently, it was set to 4 digits of precision (which is what your picture shows), despite your statement that you want the Y scale to have zero digits of precision.


My suggestion, once again, is if you want the Y scale to have zero digits of precision, set the Y Scale to have zero digits of precision.  If you set it for 4 digits, and want it to have 0, don't complain when it shows you four digits.


The precision for the Cursor, as I've explained, is another matter, one that you can, in principle, manage yourself by creating your own display for Cursor values.  One might ask, however, why a cursor should have a precision four orders of magnitude higher than the data being charted, but that an argument about "Do you know what you are doing", as opposed to "Do you know how to do it".


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 30
Thanks Bob. My question is simple. On the vi I sent earlier. Can you set the Yscale digit to zero and set the cursor Y precision digits to four ? That's all I am asking. I have long resorted to placing a fresh graph and gotten what I wanted. But I just want to establish that we both agree that if the scale legend has been adjusted, ( or fiddled with in your own words) that it can't be restored to the default.


0 Kudos
Message 13 of 30

@Bob_Schor wrote:

The precision for the Cursor, as I've explained, is another matter, one that you can, in principle, manage yourself by creating your own display for Cursor values.  One might ask, however, why a cursor should have a precision four orders of magnitude higher than the data being charted.

I don't know about htis particular case, but LabVIEW has some annoying habits of bunching display resolutions together. So even if the markers on the axis should show no decimal digits for cosmetic reasons, the cursor display still should. You don't want cursor values quantized to the marker resolution.


A probably related, but to me much more annoying thing is that if you export graph data to the clipboard, the output format will use the axis marker format and you could end up with severly truncated data. Se my old comment here. Somebody even made it onto an idea, just kudoed. 😉

Message 14 of 30

I took the VI that I'd downloaded from you (with Y Scale Display Format set to 4 digits of precision), changed it to 0 digits of precision, ran the VI, and got this:

YScale vs Cursor FP.png

Notice that the Y Scale has ... 0 digits of precision.  Here's the VI (as a Snippet):

YScale vs Cursor.png

It should look identical to the one you posted.


It is possible that we are running slightly different versions of LabVIEW, and that you may have found some weird behavior that was fixed in Service Pack 1.  I'm running Version 15.0.1f1 (32-bit).


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 30
Possibly. I am using 2015 Sp1 64-bit.


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 30
And that brings me to one other quick question. Is it possible to have a hybrid of 32 and 64-bit. That is, having some subvis developed in 32 and others in 64?, Or will it eventually be determined by which of the two (32 or 64) is used at the time of building the executable / installer?


0 Kudos
Message 17 of 30
Bearing in mind that there are some features present in 32 but not in 64 and vice versa?. How do you exploit all the "nice things" ( the higher memory of 64, the stability and "completeness" of 32) from each of the two simultaneously


0 Kudos
Message 18 of 30

VIs are interchangeable between 32 and 64bit. What matters is what you use to open or build them. (even more importantly, you can typcailly even open them on Mac or linux).


(Of course if you call your own DLLs for example, you need to adjust accurdingly. The conditional disable structure can be used to select between cases where the 32bit and 64bit version must differ.)

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 30
Thanks worthy Knight but you need to break this down a bit more :). Where do I find " conditional disable structure " Also don't know how to "call my own DLLs"
NI typically provides either Windows or Mac versions. So if I have a Windows version of Labview how do I open a vi in Mac? Or do you mean running the built application in Mac?


0 Kudos
Message 20 of 30