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Shared Variable Initialization

Hi Stephen_S


Shared variable engine is 8.2.1.


It's not a "VI problem", it's more of a "project problem". The project is pretty big so I attach a minimal Project to show the principle.


I use network published shared variables because two computers are involved, the PC and the PXI. I don't have other computers to test this.


The project is located on the building network (this might be part of the problem?), both computers can access to the project (the exact same file location, there isn't two copies of the project, this might be part of the problem?), they each open the project and execute the proper program (PC for the PC and PXI for the PXI so each computer only uses its own library).

When the execution starts, each library deploys the network SV it has, it does so only on the computer which executed the program in that library. Now "PXI variable" is deployed on the PXI and "PC variable" is deployed on the PC (and bound to the PXI variable using the PXI IP address through the Cross cable network card).

Then, the execution goes on, data is sent from the PXI to the PC. That's how I can describe the attachment. If anything seems wrong in my interpretation, please say so.


In the real project, data goes both ways, some variables a written and read on both computers. As I said, about 50 shared variables, with their 50 bound counterpart are involved in this project.




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