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Simple NI-579X Streaming

Hi there, I want to run the example Streaming Xcvr (NI 5791) (FPGA).vi / Tx Streaming (Host).vi from the Simple NI-579X Streaming template (with NI 5791 & 7966a) on Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 and Labview 2017SP1 + FPGA + RT modules.


I have an oscilloscope connected to TX OUT pin on NI 5791 board and I can only read the carrier wave (300MHz), I cannot see the modulated IQ waveform generated in Host. I assume the FIFO underflows is the reason (as it can see on printscreen) but I don't know the reason of this behavior.


Any information is appreciated

Thanks in advance.



My enviroment is (attachment is included):

Target Class: PXIe-7966R

FPGA Device Information:
Family: Virtex-5
Type: xc5vsx95t
Speed Grade: -2
Package: ff1136
Total Slices: 14720
Slice LUTs: 58880
Slice Registers: 58880
Block RAMs: 244
DSP48s: 640

Compiler Information:
Version: Xilinx 14.7
Xilinx Options in Build Specifications: Not supported

Host Computer/FPGA Communication:
Programmatic FPGA Interface Communication: Supported
Interactive Front Panel Communication: Supported
Number of Logical Interrupts: 32
Number of DMA Channels: 16
Multi-Element Access on Target: Supported
Peer-to-Peer Streaming: Supported

Memory outside the FPGA:
Banks: 2
Bank Size: 256 MB
Data Width: 128 bits

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