12-21-2012 03:14 AM
I need to acquire 1 s of analog data. 100 ms after the start of the acquisition, I would like to send one TTL pulse (digital output) to start an other device.
I'm using LabVIEW 2011 and could not find an appropriate simple example.
Thanks a lot for your help.
12-21-2012 03:41 AM
Everything depends on the hardware you are using. So what device are we talking about?
12-21-2012 03:50 AM
12-21-2012 08:46 AM
Hi Christian
I'm using a PCI 6071E.
12-21-2012 08:47 AM
Hi Mike
around 1 ms is fine.
01-07-2013 09:00 AM
Have a look at the example "Gen Dig Pulse-Dig Start.vi". Use this example in combination with your Analog Acquisition Task to fire the pulse.
Use the "Initial Delay" parameter to specify the 100ms.
As Trigger Source use "DevX/ai/StartTrigger", where X is your Device, e.g. Dev1.