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Simultaneous control of two stepper motor driver through Arduino Uno


I am trying to achieve control over two stepper motor connected to individual drivers and common Arduino board. I am using LINX for establishing connection with the Arduino board. Two stepper motors have to run and controlled parallely based on the requirement. The VI developed for controlling one stepper motor works fine. So the command  I copy pasted and connected in parallel can control only one stepper motor at a time. I have attached the both the VIs for reference. Kindly comment your valuable suggestions here.

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Message 1 of 3

Hi Hemalaxmi

I have found something that could be the main reason why the second motor doesn't work.

Inside the first loop in the input array, you have the same DO channel like in the second one, which you are keeping it as false in the first loop, because of keeping it false it can't work in the second loop. Try to remove it from first loop and then try again. I have attached the picture to make it clearer. 




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Message 2 of 3

Hi, did you able to solve the problem? I am trying to do the same and stumble into the same problem. Please let me know if you are able to solve this.

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Message 3 of 3