04-01-2022 02:20 PM
An issue I’ve encountered when adding NI-9144 as a target in LabView to the Master NI Rio-9074 was that the EtherCAT Master Device didn’t show up in the “add targets and devices” dropdown menu when “existing target or device” had been selected.
However, uninstalling the Industrial Communications for EtherCAT driver from the host computer and then reinstalling it usually fixes the problem. You also have to make sure that the Master Device is on the same subnet as both the host computer and controller.
In addition, you must have NI-RIO, NI Scan Engine, and NI-Industrial Communications for EtherCAT driver software installed on the Master NI Rio-9074. All Driver versions must be the same, and they need to be the same as the version of Labview you are using.
If anyone has encountered this or a similar problem, I hope this helps.
For future reference, this solution can also be found under “FAQs” here at Apex Waves.
04-20-2022 11:52 PM
my past experience with these chassis, requires me to find and download the Industrial Communications for EtherCAT and install separately; that, on top of manually configuring the network adapters, to TCPIP and EtherCAT respectively