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Spectrometer controller

Hello guys,


Currently, I start to improve a LabVIEW program that has been used to communicate with a spectrometer controller using the GPIB. there is a function called ibsta in the VI. I could not really understand it is function and I could not find it in the function palette and neither a subvi  I guess. Could someone tell me a little about the function?


Any suggestions and comments are highly appreciated.



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Message 1 of 3

That's not a function, but a terminal showing data coming out of the yellow function/subVI to the left of it.  Check the context help on that and it should tell you what its outputs are.  It looks like they are various status indicators.

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks, you are right. these are the Boolean array indicators which show a status of the GPIB controller. If an error occurs during sending the commands to the GPIB controller or receiving any commands from the controller. These two (send and receive) functions send 16 different status bits to the Boolean indicator array each time. From there we know the status of the controller.

Best, Savut

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