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Splash screen launcher

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@Jeff Bohrer wrote:

Quite a while ago Mark Ridgley posted A splash effect example.  Should be easy to upgrade to whatever version you are running.  Turns out I was actually in the cube next door when he developed the original but it seems to have gotten around a bit.

That was the one I added eariler. I did not remember where it came from.


0 Kudos
Message 11 of 23

That application creates a Splash effect by scrolling the main VI's panel, thus it must first open the full and slow application. 😕



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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Message 12 of 23

As I recall- the effect was used by a small top-level vi that dynamically launched a main app instance detemined by a config file setting and the config file was relative to the "splash" effect facade.  Essentially creating a two-stage load process one small load that set the splash effect to hide the load time of the main app instance.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 23
Accepted by topic author Yamaeda

hey Y,


the way we do it is to have a small main vi that calls the other vis dynamically (through vi server), which is more or less one of your suggestions. When we compile the small main vi is set as "startup" and we then include an "all vis" that contains everything else as dynamic. The main vi just has the splash screen pic on its front panel, which then loads immediately as everything else is loading in the background.


as to your 1003 compile error, i think the following thread might be helpful:


as far as i know, using a splash-screen startup vi to dynamically load the big vis using vi server is the "normal" way to go in LV. It cetainly has worked well for me in LV 6-8

Message 14 of 23

Hi Ludwig,


Do you launch your vi's as paths -> open vi ref or as static vi ref -> call by ref? It's only the former that gives me 1003.

I do have some diagram disable i think (i'm at home now), i'll have to take a look at that on monday.



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 23

we use (absolute) paths and send them to the open vi ref with "wait until done" set to False and no strict type references.


it sounds like your 1003 is a bug. you might have to locate the "uncompiling" portion of your code and "fix" it by rewiring a few things; it looks like this might be similar to the ever-recurring "insane object" errors, in which code looks fine, but doesn't compile. the only fix i've found has always been to re-write it 😞


here is a jpeg of the code we use and a vi (LV7.1) of the same. hope this helps (on monday).



Message 16 of 23

Thanks alot all of you!


Michael Ludwig hit the nail though, i'd basically done the same as Ludwigs last post, but it was the Diagram Disable that prevented me from compiling! Once removed i could use my first solution of path -> open through vi server.


If that's not a bug i dont know what is, one that has cost me more time than i dare admit.



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
0 Kudos
Message 17 of 23

Looking for a good implementation of the splash screen. Has anything changed since 2010?

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 23

I am still amazed NI has so many complex things in LabVIEW, and there is no such a simple thing as splash screen implementaiton...

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 23

1 open VI ref and run it through VI server is simple enough. 🙂



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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Message 20 of 23