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State Machine for automatic Resistance Measurement with myDAQ

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Develop a Program that automatically runs through the states: Initialize, UsrInfoLeadsImpedance, LeadsMeas,UsrInfoPartsMeas, PartMeas, Evaluate, Store, Quit. It should use myDAQ or a simulation of myDAQ, to acquire the Impedance using myDAQs multimeter-function. 

Initialize: In this state, initialize whatever is necessary.

UsrInfoLeadsImpedance: In this State, create a message popup that informs the user to prepare everything for leads impedance measurement (eg: "Plug in Leads to Input... and Input .... and shortcircuit them on the opposite siide of the Leads") After the user confirms, the next state can be entered.

LeadsMeas: In this state, measure the leads impedance 20 times, build the Mean Value and save the data  in the commonly used data Cluste stored in a Shift Register.

UsrInfoParts: In this state, inform the user via a message popup, that the Part (Device under test) should be connedted and it's connection should be confirmed. 
PartMeas: Perform the parts measurement function at least 20 times and build the mean value. Save everythin the the data cluster.

Evaluate: Calculate the corrected part value. Display the leads value, the value before correction and the corrected value.

Store: Save away the results in a tet based file for later review. 

Quit: deinitialize all and stop the program.

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Seems easy enough. Did you finish it for you class already or do you have any questions?

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No I haven’t finish this and I need help on Labview 

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Message 3 of 4

Hi s22…, wrote:

No I haven’t finish this and I need help on Labview 

So you aren't willing to share your current VI(s) nor to ask specific questions?


When you need help learning LabVIEW: see those Training resources listed at the top of the LabVIEW board…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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