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Strain Gauge Configuration



I am using a VI for strain gauge data acquired using at 25 kHz sampling frequency. For the configuration of the strain gauge, I give the strain gauge factor, resistance and expected signals (max. and min.). I configure them as Quarter Bridge so I use three cables, one for EX+ and two for Al+ and screen. Is there anything else that I need to take into account for the strain gauge readings?

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Message 1 of 4

Without verifying what you stated about the connection of the sensor and the task configuration, i want to add a thing:

When you use such a task, your software will show a measurement value like "x<unit>". As there are a lot of different sources for errors, you always want to check how accurate your measurement is. The simplest approach for this is to apply a known pressure to the element the sensor is attached to. If the reading in the software is very close to it, it's good. Otherwise you will want to reconfigure the task and double check wiring.

Also you might want to repeat this for a range of known (expected) values.



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Expert: Geometry
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Message 2 of 4

Hello Norbert, I did that however only null is needed to bring the initial rading to zero.

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Message 3 of 4

A moving average filter or an SG filter with a window based on your sampling rate and measured signal is always a good idea.

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Message 4 of 4